A full body massage is a therapeutic treatment where a massage therapist works on the entire body, usually from head to toe. It typically lasts between 60 to 90 minutes and aims to relax the muscles, improve circulation, and relieve stress. The massage usually covers major areas such as:
- Back: Relieves tension in the shoulders, upper and lower back.
- Arms and Hands: Eases muscle stiffness and improves circulation.
- Legs and Feet: Releases tension in the calves, thighs, and feet, often beneficial for people who stand or walk a lot.
- Neck and Shoulders: Focuses on areas that tend to hold a lot of tension due to stress or posture.
- Head and Scalp: Offers relaxation and can help relieve headaches or tension.
There are different types of full body massages, including:
- Swedish massage: Focuses on relaxation using long, smooth strokes.
- Deep tissue massage: Targets deeper layers of muscle for intense relief from chronic pain or tightness.
- Hot stone massage: Uses heated stones to help relax muscles and improve blood flow.
- Aromatherapy massage: Incorporates essential oils for a soothing experience.
Do you have a specific type of full body massage in mind?
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